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Showing posts from July, 2008


For me, Love is a wonderful feelings that you cannot buy nor trade in to any material things. Making love to the one you love is a gift of God, it is the best thing to make the relationships grow and deeper. But too many people think that making love is just an intercourse, and that is so far from right that I cannot relate to people who think like that. To me, making love is holding hands. It's looking in another eyes and not having to say a word but being understood. It is sitting side by side and do some little cute things or teasing each other. It is watching the other sleep and the body rise and fall with the breath. It is sharing the most intimate part of your heart and soul together and not being embarrased about it, not feeling like you have triumphed or that you have compromised, but more like to have melded into one. It is sharing and intertwining bodies to a point of oneness. It is more sweeter if we say " I don't want to have sex with you, I want...