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We all know the saying that "no relationship is perfect", well that's true. But we all want that healthy, sweet, peaceful and relaxing relationship, where you and your partner settle all misunderstanding amicably.

It's not like that in a toxic relationship. It's always draining and full of negativity.

There are some cogent signs to look out for in a relationship to test its level of toxicity.


·        Having a toxic communication

Don't be surprised if you're always quarreling with your partner virtually or physically. When you noticed criticism, sarcasm and hostility in your communication with your partner, that's a sign of toxicity.


·        Use of negative words

This is one of the attributes of low self-esteem, which is also related to toxicity in a relationship. When your partner uses insultive or disdainful words at you. This is one of the signs to look out for in your relationship.


·        Constant drainage

When I say "drainage"I don't mean water drainage. I mean emotional, physical, spiritual and mental drainage. When you feel drained in all aspects in your relationship, it's becoming a toxic relationship. Watch out for how your positive energy and vibes get drained.


·        Lack of trust

One of the signs of a toxic relationship is lack of trust. There's nothing as sweet as being in a relationship where you and your partner swim in the river of trust.


In conclusion, there are many signs to identify in a toxic relationship which you have to be on the lookout for. In order to safeguard your mental health and your self-esteem.



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